Dr. Charity Anderson
Associate Professor

My research is in epistemology and philosophy of religion, with a focus on issues concerning fallibilism, evidence, epistemic modals, invariantism, and knowledge norms. I am currently engaged in research projects on the topics of wishful thinking, evidential uptake, and divine hiddenness.
Education and Research
- Researcher for the New Insights and Directions in Religious Epistemology Project, directed by John Hawthorne. 2012-2014.
- Ph.D., Philosophy, Saint Louis University, 2007-2012.
- Dissertation: "Why I can Know I Will Lose the Lottery: A Defense of Stable Fallibilism
Selected Papers
- Fallibilism and the Flexibility of Epistemic Modals. (2014) Philosophical Studies. 167 (3): 597-606.
- On the Intimate Relationship of Knowledge and Action. (2015) Episteme. 12(3): 343-353.
- Divine Hiddenness: Defeated Evidence. (2017) Philosophy. Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplements, 81: 119-132.
- Putting Fallibilism to Work. (2018) Normativity: Ethical and Practical. Edited by D. Whiting. Oxford University Press. Pp. 12-25.
- Hume and Defeated Miracle Reports. (2018) Knowledge, Belief, and God: New Insights. Oxford University Press. pp. 13-28.
- On Providing Evidence. (2018) Episteme 15(3): 245-260.
- The Gettier Problem and Fallibilism. (2018) The Gettier Problem. ed S. Hetherington. Cambridge University Press. pp. 11-26.
- Knowledge, Practical Adequacy, and Stakes. (2019) co-authored with John Hawthorne. Oxford Studies in Epistemology. pp. 234-257.
Selected Presentations
- Divine Hiddenness: Are Glimpses Enough? Butler Society, Oxford University, May 2015.
- Testimony, Defeat, and Miracle Reports. Oxford University, March 2014.
- Putting Fallibilism to Work. APA Pacific Division Meeting, Seattle. April 2012.
- Fallibilism and the Flexibility of Epistemic Modals. Central States Philosophical Association, September 2011.
- On the Intimate Relationship of Knowledge and Action. APA Eastern Division Meeting, Washington D.C. December 2011.